Sunday 3 November 2013

Asian Inspiration

So Louise... I have some girl friends coming around for dinner. We've been trying to start a supper club for quite some time and finally, the night is upon us.

From my last post, 'Eating Clouds' I'm going to be making a Wonton starter. A Vegetarian Green Thai Curry with Basmati Rice for mains and for dessert I'm going to be making Asian inspired Creme Brulee. I learnt how to make Creme Brulee, because it is one of my husbands favourite dessert and I get to own a blow torch ( my mother was a little worried about the latter but I haven't burnt my kitchen down... yet)

For the Wontons I had some Pork filled one, from my last post, ones, that I didn't fry and had popped into the freezer, this works great! ( so if you have a dinner party and want to prep a week or two before you can make and freeze)

Ok so this post has taken a little long, sorry.It's because after my dinner party witch was a great success, I had left over rice and had plans to make Egg Fried Rice for supper the next night. Planning to tell you all how to make it, its something super yummy and easy. BUT Disaster struck, I cut my finger badly and had to rush to the hospital, in the middle of frying my Onion, Garlic and Ginger. It was pretty gross, I'm very grateful my awesome folks in-laws live very close to me and could help get me to the hospital. Well, 6 stitches and lots of blood later I was all patched up. DO NOT USE A KNIFE TO OPEN PLASTIC PACKAGING!!! I decided against adding a photo of my finger.

So Louise... back to Asian inspired Creme Brulee, its one of thoughts desserts that is a lot easier them most people think.
What you'll need is...
250ml Cream
250ml Coconut Cream
1 Cinnamon Stick
2 tsp Dry Lemongrass
5 Egg Yolks
Half a cup Sugar (plus a bit more for sprinkling on top)
1 and a half tsp Vanilla extract

Preheat oven at 180 Degrees
In a small pot on medium heat add the Coconut Cream, Cinnamon Stick and Lemongrass. Let all this simmer for 15min, take off the heat and strain to remove all the, not cream bits and let it cool. In a bowl and the Sugar to the Egg Yolks and whisk until light in colour and creamy. Once the Coconut Cream is cool mix it in with the Cream and Vanilla Extract to the Egg Yolks mixture.
Place un-fulled ramekins (oven proof teacups work great to) in a baking dish with high sides, pour hot water into the baking dish around the ramekins about half way up their sides. Then pour the egg mixture into the ramekins. Bake for 45min to an hour the tops my went slightly golden. You'll know they ready when you stab them with a knife and it comes out with only a little custard on it, they will be a little wobbly.
Take them out the baking dish and let them cool on a dish cloth.
Sprinkle the tops of you custard with sugar and burn baby, burn (just joking) until the sugar metls and goes a beautiful caramel colour. If you don't have a blow torch, placing them under the grill in your oven, work well to. Just keep an eye on them! I topped mine with toasted almonds and a basil leaf sprig.

I think my next post might be something I don't have to use a knife to make, I haven't touched one for 5 days. I'm a little nervous of knives now.

I'll will be sure to let you all know how my finger is healing and what cool story I'm planning to tell kids about how I got my scar.

Till next time
So Louise